Achievers ABA
Business Email: esther@achieverstherapy.com
At Achievers ABA, we believe that every child deserves a chance to achieve their full potential. Our therapists at our autism therapy center in Indianapolis work directly with your child in their home, either in person or by teletherapy. With complex data based on a thorough assessment, we craft a custom treatment plan for each child. We focus on enhancing adaptive skills, increasing functional abilities, and realizing parents’ goals. All data is meticulously recorded and tracked throughout it to maximize each child's progress and growth. We work with children of all ages and as young as 18 months old. The earlier we create new behaviors and skills, the stronger they are. Our custom treatment plan can include direct treatment hours with qualified behavior technicians, supervision hours with highly trained behavioral health supervisors, parent training hours, and group treatment
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Business Hours:
Monday - Thursday : 09:00 - 18:00
Friday : 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday : 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday : Closed