Amway does not retail its products.They are obtained through distributers/members only.If one becomes a member you get huge discounts on each product.There are regular workshops to educate members on its products,their usage,their importance,their need. NO CHEMICALS ARE USED IN ANY PRODUCT.Definitely there are no side effects compared to similar products in the market who have chemicals in some form or other,in varying proportions.They have BWW education system to educate each member through regular meetings on how to go about expanding your business.After some time (say 6 months of dedicated work) your business goes on autopilot and your income goes on increasing and you get regular income.THE MONEY KEEPS COMING TO YOUR ACCOUNT FOR 4 GENERATIONS.You can sit back and enjoy all that you missed in your 9am~5pm office hours.NO BOSS.So join Now. My Amway distributership number is--(ADA#7712109). My name:Beena Chaturvedi. My Govt Tax paying A/C number: AEUPC7189N My address:D98,2nd Floor,Sector Gamma1,Greater Noida,U.P. India. Mobile:+919818096715. Email ID:beena51.chaturvedi@rediffmail.com