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ARS Aleut Analytical
Commercial businesses and government agencies in Anchorage, Alaska, turn to ARS Aleut Analytical for all of their environmental monitoring and laboratory testing needs. The company provides comprehensive analytical solutions designed to ensure your property is safe. All services are performed by highly experienced chemist, technicians, microbiologist, and laboratory experts.ARS Aleut Analytical specializes in analysis testing for disaster and emergency response services, including cleanup and remediation. They also perform testing to detect the presence of contamination on rigs and structures and use state-of-the-art equipment to identify any potentially dangerous matter.The company's environmental monitoring and safety measures go beyond industry standards to reduce exposure to hazards. In fact, ARS Aleut Analytical is one of the few enterprises in the United States to possess a full nuclear decontamination and decommissioning (DD) license, which enables team members to successfully handle naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) and special nuclear material (SNM). After remediation, they provide shipment of any waste for disposal.Customers seeking critical water and soil testing recognize ARS Aleut Analytical as the go-to source for laboratory services. The company is licensed in several states (in addition to Alaska)to perform these essential tests to verify solid and chemical materials, as well as waste, non-potable, and drinking waters. Laboratory technicians are versed in a range of methods, including organic and inorganic chemistry, microbiology, and radiochemistry. The company assesses samples from all over the world, including samples of nuclear materials.The team at ARS Aleut Analytical is focused on successfully providing necessary water and soil testing, and environmental monitoring. Visit the website to learn more about their environmental services, or call (907) 258-2155 for more information.