![](https://s1.bunity-edge.com/5ab0e4389dfbc87f740a4c8d_2000x500_china-business-investment-solutions-camellia-universal-limited-international-trade-and-development-management-consulting-united-kingdom-dunstable_1.jpg )
China Business & Investment Solutions (Camellia Universal Limited)
China’s massive growth brings enormous opportunities for European and American companies while simultaneously creating profound challenges for the world. China is a huge country, and each province is vastly different. Any company in Europe and USA that has any international dimension to its business should be considering a strategy for China. With the rapid growth of the Chinese economy, China is going to affect most businesses in the Europe and USA. For more information, please visit on www.camelliauniversal.com
Camellia Universal Limited (China Business & Investment Solutions) is an international consulting interface between European, American and Chinese businesses. For more information, please visit on www.camelliauniversal.com
The company concentrates on the needs of Chinese, European and American firms in dealing with their counterparts, by providing advanced management development, research and consultancy. Camellia Universal Limited (China Business & Investment Solutions) is committed to providing excellent management consultancy to both Western and Chinese companies. With excellent resources, including numerous contacts in Chinese government and companies, outstanding research capability, a comprehensive China database and a multi-disciplinary consulting team, the firm can offer services in the following areas:
Setting up in China:- Selection of investment locations - Identification and selection of joint venture partners - Market entry strategies - Marketing/distribution strategies - Feasibility study - Technology transfer - Chinese business culture- Chinese legal issues (taxation, accounting, employment, importing & exporting)- Strategic management issues - Internationalisation of Chinese firms - Business opportunity advice
China outsourcing- product sourcing, manufacturing development & promotion. Our clients enjoy the following benefits when outsourcing:- A highly skilled & professional sourcing team in China- Saving in valuable time, money and resources- Quickly identify the most-reputable and best-qualified factories and ensure high-quality results for our clients’ products- Expert English-Chinese translation for highly technical specifications- Lower material costs with competitive pricing negotiated on our clients’ behalf from the factories- Representation of our clients’ interests (not the manufacturers')- The firm can expand product range at any time in response to customer demand- Import, export and manufacturing advice
China-related business and culture seminars, conferences, workshops and talks:- Chinese business culture and etiquette- Preparation for business trips to China - Preparation for welcoming Chinese delegation - Negotiation techniques - Business meeting skills - The tricks of the trade - Business opportunities in China - Setting up in China- Legal & administrative issues in China (taxation, accounting, employment, importing & exporting)
For more information, please visit on www.camelliauniversal.com