Damage Reclaim
At Damage Reclaim, we’ve made it our business to take a stand against unfair end of lease damage fees. Born out of frustration that thousands of consumers and businesses alike are not treated in a fair and transparent manner, our ethos is to act with the professionalism and integrity you deserve in rectifying your damage bill.Our team of leasing and finance automotive professionals draw upon their extensive experience of fleet consultancy and in-depth knowledge of BVRLA standards and processes to correct unjust damage charges, making it right for you.Okay, so sometimes they do get it right and where we feel that they have, we won’t waste your time and money; we only charge for successful bill reductions and therefore independently assess every case before taking it on.Our pricing structure is geared around you. If we don't save you money, we don't charge you a penny! Of course in most cases we do save money, and we'll just take a proportion of this saving, so you're guaranteed not to lose under any circumstances.So why choose Damage Reclaim? It’s simple - save! Not just money, but time and stress too. By leaving your case with our friendly team of experts, you won't have to get wound up with learning the ins and outs of damage processes and what constitutes a legitimate charge. We offer a hassle-free service, the net effect of which is guaranteed to never cost you a penny - you've nothing to lose!