David Young, Realtor
David Young, Realtor, sells homes, land, and commercial property in Northwest Florida in Okaloosa, Walton, and Santa Rosa Counties.
Save $20,000 on the purchase of your home or receive 20% of David's commission only at www.AWiseHomeBuyer.com and give David your exact home criteria.
Please provide your phone number by calling (850) 826-1662. Let us SAVE YOU $5,000 to $35,000, guaranteed, on the purchase of any listed home over $150,000 or I pay you $1,000 Cash at closing.
If you are serious about finding and purchasing a home, call me with details or go to www.AWiseHomeBuyer.com for buying info and give your exact criteria you are looking for in your next home. Let the David Young Home Buying Team find you the perfect home today.
Contact David and he will put you on his VIP BUYER Program so you will receive an email of any new listing that comes on the market daily in your price range and criteria as soon as realtors do.
David A. Young Home (850) 423-9728, Cell (850) 826-1662, Destinctive Realty, Inc. Crestview, Baker, Holt Laurel Hill, Fort Walton Beach, Destin, Miramar Beach and Santa Rosa Beach.