Davis Pipe & Tobacco Shop
"Finding a quality smoke shop that stocks a large assortment of cigars and tobacco-related products is tough. Cigar aficionados will be dazzled by the wide selection of flavorful tobaccos and excellent service at Davis Pipe Tobacco Shop in Russellville, AR.They specialize in providing high-end cigars from across the world, including the Caribbean, Central America and Europe. They offer dozens of industry leading brands, including Arturo Fuente, Gispert Churchill and La Fontana Vintage Michelangelo. Their staff will assist you in making the perfect selection for your personal palate.In addition to cigars, Davis Pipe Tobacco Shop carries stylish tobacco accessories, such as cigar cutters, tobacco pipes and high-end lighters. If you're in need of a new tobacco pipe, they sell several unique designs, ranging from wood to glass finishes.When searching for your next cigar, visit the fully stocked store at Davis Pipe Tobacco Shop. If you have questions about their collection of cigars and pipes, call them today at (479) 968-6760."