E-Therapy Cafe®
It all began over 25 years ago on a military base in North Carolina. I still remember how I felt the first time I used video to connect during a tough season in my life. I was a young military spouse and my husband was deployed over-seas. My husband and I were able to talk using Virtual Tele-Conference (AKA gigormous dinosaur of a big screen) in the midst of a very public military conference room. Amazingly, for a brief moment, it didn't matter that I was in North Carolina or that he was in a foreign country, we were connected. This was my first experience with telehealth, I just didn't know it My official tele-journey of healing started in 2003 with one of the first online therapy platforms: Cope Today. I provided real-time online video sessions, instant chats, and virtual journal exchanges with military members and veterans across the country and deployed around the world. After one virtual session, a soldier told me, "Who needs an office? For the first time someone gets me. You totally get me." My clients reached goals, started living their lives again, and I knew that E-Therapy was successful