Edwards Automotive & Diesel Repair Inc.

Phone number: (715) 387-8866


Edwards Automotive & Diesel Repair Inc. in Marshfield, WI, specializes in comprehensive auto solutions. From engine and suspension repair to transmission and brake services, trust us for top-notch automotive expertise. Your vehicle's performance is our priority.


We serve in Marshfield, WI, Hewitt Village WI; Spencer Village WI; Stratford Village WI; Auburndale Village WI; Arpin Town WI; and the surrounding areas.


Auto Repair, Auto Repair Shop, Reliable Auto Repair, Complete Auto Repair, Diesel Engine Repair Service


Professional  Auto Repair , Reliable   Vehicle Repair , Affordable   Auto Repair , Quality   Auto Repair , Trusted   Auto Repair

Contact Us
310 W 14th St, Marshfield, Wisconsin, United States, 54449
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