Entangled Minds
The North East of Scotland hides many Spiritual treasures, this unique complimentary therapy practice is one such treasure. Entangled Minds practitioners can help both people and animals however challenged and wherever they are in the world through HYPNOTHERAPY, COUNSELLING, REIKI, DISTANCE REIKI, LIFE COACHING, EQUINE AND ANIMAL HEALTH.
Robert McGowan has worked and studied in a theraputic way with people and animals for a great deal of his life, culminating in 2000 with the setting up of a centre for complimentary holistic therapy in Scotland UK.
Robert is qualified in Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy, Counselling, Reiki and NLP. Over the years the like minded, highly skilled people that you can meet on our web site, have joined forces with Robert to offer the powerfull, unique service that is Entangled Minds.
For a complete story visit our web site at, www.entangledminds.co.uk