Evergreen Rehab & Wellness - Surrey

Business e-mail: info@evergreenclinic.ca

Evergreen Rehab & Wellness - Surrey provides high-quality care through the following service: Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, and Kinesiology to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Located at the intersection of 149th St. and 104th Ave – right next to First Canadian Medical Clinic and Vivacare Pharmacy. Also, there’s 2-hour free parking for patients visiting Evergreen Rehab and Wellness - Surrey Clinic located at the rear of the building. In addition, Evergreen Rehab & Wellness -Surrey specializes in helping patients to recover from injuries due to motor vehicle accidents. Accepting patients with an active claim from ICBC and offers direct billing to major insurances.

Evergreen Rehab & Wellness - Surrey Gallery

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