Accidental gas leaks pose a significant threat to properties, the environment, and human life. Therefore, GasDog manufactures and produces a comprehensive range of gas detectors, including portable gas detectors, fixed gas detectors, multi gas detectors, combustible gas detectors, toxic gas detectors, and VOC gas detectors for CO, CO2, H2S, N2, H2, NH3, O2, C2H4, CH2O, LEL, and VOC. These detectors are offered in compact, lightweight designs, ranging from simple alarm-only units to advanced, fully configurable and serviceable instruments.
Ideal for confined spaces, spot leak testing, and mobile use, GasDog portable gas detectors provide real-time visibility into the status and safety of hazardous-area workers. This helps companies respond faster, with better knowledge, and decisively to safety incidents. Applications for these detectors include underground utility vaults, boiler rooms, post-fire sites, sewers, industrial plants, industrial hygiene, first responder crews, and remote fleets.