Golden Promises Home Care
"The gold standard of assisted home care is the level ofservice that all individuals receive from GoldenPromises Home Care. Offering elder care services for families in NewYork’s Orange County and the surrounding areas, Golden Promises strives toaccommodate families who seek a professional home care aid for any number ofreasons. The local experts in private home health aides, the caregivers fromGolden Promises work 24/7 to ensure clients enjoy the best possible standard ofliving during their time spent at home.The private home care aids available from Golden Promises offerthe following: Flexible schedulingMeal PreparationLight Housekeeping DutiesCompanionshipErrands/ShoppingIn addition, the Golden Promises Home Care staff provides a“respite” for family members, who may have felt somewhat overwhelmed orburdened by the task of caring for their loved ones on their own. When youchoose home care aides from Golden Promises, you’re choosing the absolutefinest home care services for your family. All caregivers and home assistantsare carefully screened and interviewed, guaranteeing excellence in care,experience in service, and a friendly, personable, “empathetic and patientspirit.”“Respectful and supportive,” the candidates staffed byGolden Promises are chosen based on the home care professionals’ Standard ofExcellence, and the ones selected to assist your loved one during this period bringa sunny disposition and positive personality to every activity. Learn moreabout Golden Promises Home Care bycalling (845) 294-1104 or visitingthe website."