WHO ARE WE?The Muses and Confidantes is a group of Men and Women – gifted with natural and powerful talents who can enable you to TAP into their sources for Inspiration and Fulfillment. Common categories included:BODY: appearance, pleasure, sexuality, sports/physical activity RELATIONSHIPS: love, friendship, family, children, co-workers, mentors/counselors, students, animals GROUPS: social groups, professional organizations, growth-oriented/therapy groups, service groups, community groups SUCCESS: work achievement, experiences of competence/mastery world: politics, service PERSONAL LIFE: home, neighborhood, daily experiences LEISURE: travel, nature/outdoors, play, entertainment THE ARTS: creative expression, artistic/literary appreciation LEARNING: formal education, insight, study, reading INNER DEVELOPMENT: insight, psychological growth, psychotherapy, meditation, prayer, spiritual experience
THE GOALTo InspireTo be Inspired
Aoede (song) Melete (meditation) Mneme (memory) Calliope (epic poetry) Clio (history) Erato (lyric poetry) Euterpe (music) Melpomene (tragedy) Polyhymnia (religious music) Terpsichore (dance) Thalia (comedy) Urania (astronomy)