Incantations Magazine
Incantations is a monthly, full colour spiritual/new age magazine incorporating diverse spiritual paths, beliefs, philosophy, holistic health and therapies. Incantations will feature specific areas of belief, philosophy, holistic health and therapies each month, building, over time, a comprehensive resource of information. Some examples of featured articles are:
Shamanism, psychic development, meditation, rituals, self development, mediumship, druids, shamanism, women's roots in shamanism and healing, astral projection, magic, tarot cards and oracles, wicca, wizardry, herbs, witchcraft, spellcraft, moonphases, channeled artwork, poetry, writings. Egyptian history and magic, divination, working with guides, angels, star people, ufo's.
Incantations, over the months, will be interviewing therapists and featuring specific therapies. Each feature will offer full explainations of the myriad of therapies available, thus allowing the public to make more informed choices about the right therapy for them.
We will be publishing the public's personal spiritual stories, e.g. encounters with angels, and offer a problem page (questions and answers).
There will be three main methods of distribution:
* Via public outlets - newsagents, stationers and other suitable outlets
* Via spiritual centres, holistic health and therapy centres - we will be offering a 25% discount to these outlets
* Via yearly subscription