Indian Film History
THE ISRANI ENTERTAINMENT INDIA LTD, since 1992, established by Mrs. Anita Israni and Raj Israni . Under the direction of Mr. Raj Israni, the company was created and pioneered as an exclusive venture under the name of (ISRANI COMMUNICATIONS) for the entire Media fraternity.
We created opportunities for more than 25,000 Actors and Models since past two decades and facilitated our services to media.
Besides providing services to the Actors and Models fraternity, Mr. Raj Israni further wanted to expand the horizon by offering the services to all the members of the media industry.
He had taken up this humongous task, which was only possible by utilizing the new technology available on the net and bringing forth the opportunities. For this, he created a separate entity in the name of HUVI DIGI LIFE PRIVATE LIMITED which allowed him to develop his dream project under the name and style of INDIAN FILM HISTORY, which fulfils the area of scope and services.
Currently we are catering only to Bollywood, but going forward we propose to expand our services to 19 regional language of India. The portal is information based which will add value to the contents we provide.
Besides covering the 19 languages and entertainment related activity, we have created a platform and provision for various entertainment segments, without which the entertainment industry will not function. Therefore, our portal will cover all aspects, namely the News Article, News Videos, Movies, Music, Television, Theatre, Short Films, Magazine, Print media, TVC and Awards.
Further we will provide services to expertise in the field of Fashion Designers, Videographers and Photographers, PR Agency, Live performers, Stage Shows, etc. The idea is to ensure and offer all services that is related to the Entertainment Industry one can choose from.
We have allowed all service providers to be present on our platform which would be one single point of contact for all the necessary support.
To make it convenient for all users, besides our website, we have created a mobile app named as IFH Source. All our services are available once the user downloads and registers on IFH Source.
We extend service by providing space to showcase their talent and work by an individual profile page. Besides individuals who can register on our portal, an agency can also update their requirement for the talent they require for their upcoming projects which will be viewed by the registered members, who in turn can approach them directly.
The property owners can showcase their locations or their studio on our portal to connect to the new prospective clients.
The service providers can offer their full range of equipment to the Producers, Directors, Production companies etc.
We have plans to approach all Entertainment Associations across Pan India to be a part of the Indian Film History.