Landscape Creations Ltd
As one of the top Landscape Gardeners Huddersfield, we have been creating award winning gardens for over 25 years. Everyone of our bespoke garden designs are high quality, unique and innovative with stunning colourful planting schemes. Whether you are looking for a gravel garden, terraced garden or small garden ideas our Landscape Creations gardening services team can turn your dream garden into reality. All of our Landscape Creations gardening services team have achieved distinctions in the HTA prestigious Landscape award which shows they are professional, highly skilled landscape gardeners and put customer care at the top of their priorty list. Our Huddersfield Gardening Services team have won several awards for our garden designs and planting schemes. The awards include:* Best Northern Garden for a new build site.* Medal winners at Tatton Park Flower Show* Bradford Magical Gardens in centenary Square* Assisted a Horticultural College construct a medal winning garden design at the Chelsea Flower show We like to provide our customers with a garden design that is well thought out, practical and of course has huge enjoyment value for the customer. For more information about our Huddersfield gardening services feel free to contact us or visit our website.