Laughter Lawyer USA
What is Laughter Lawyer USA’s Conflict Resolution Skills Training Playground?
Everything you ever needed to know. How to be happy and to get along with others.
You learned on the playground! We learned risk taking, trust building, humor, how to set boundaries and what might be “right behavior” and “wrong behavior” when we went to the sandbox, didn’t we?
Well, some of us did anyway – while others of us may have picked up mixed messages and now as grownups continue to be “mixed up” about collaboration and peace making.
At our center, we use the ideas of an amazing array of thinkers, scientists, storytellers and clowns to rebuild and reawaken the child within us to learn how to become more child-like, not childish!
Check out our Acknowledgments page to see how many wonderful people have contributed to building our playground to make it fun and accessible to everyone!
Personal injury attorney, Law firm