Louis F Boynton II Psychotherapy LLC
This type sevice is unique to this area and offers benifits for many people. Dr. Boynton has spent the last ten years gaining the experince needed to provide the type of psychological and health services offered at this location. This practice focuses on health and human growth for all types of individuals, groups, and communities.Dr. Boynton has worked as a clinical practitioner for 7 years with all types of people. His main focus has always been on helping people to make their lives better by focusing on the overall health of an individual or community. While working as a mentor, as a life coach, college advisor, college professor Dr. Boynton discovered psychological methods that help anyone who is in need. In the clinical mental health field he spent years working as a relationship counselor, individual counselor and group counselor.His work as a research has been presented nationally and internationally on: psychotherapy, disaster mental health, and conflict resolution. He is trained in non-violent conflict resolution, mindfulness techniques, meditation and stress reduction techniques, crisis management, counseling psychology, health psychology,positive psychology and pain management.