MetaHolistico, Holistic Health Practice
METAHOLISTICO is a consultancy with advanced holistic therapies, located in Palma de Mallorca in Spain and is founded by Anamarija K. Mashalin. MetaHolistico was created to help people in dealing with the original cause of their issues and to assist them during their transformation on their path to health and happiness. We use some of the most powerful modalities available today to assist you in the process of healing and are specialised in Holographic Kinetics (HK) and Holistic Counselling.During your transformation you will recover your lost power, which in turn will give you a new vision and strength to create a better future for yourself and your loved ones.---HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS (HK) Holographic Kinetics helps permanently release emotional traumas, imbalances or addictions.This fast and unique holistic healing technique takes you on an inner conscious journey – straight back to the original cause of your issue so you can heal it on all levels. Using Holographic Kinetics Therapy allows you to take your own non-invasive journey and understand that clearing and changing events in the past changes the future. It gives you a freedom to choose a much happier life and eliminate unwanted patterns and behaviours. COUNSELLINGHolistic Counselling is a gentle and compassionate form of therapy that assists you in helping yourself when you feel a need for support or assistance. It uses a broader approach to look at the interconnectedness of one’s body, mind and spirit.