MG Lawn Team
MG Lawn Team proving lawn care to the north county saint Louis area. We specialize in lawn care services from cutting, trimming, edging and blowing. Ask about our lawn treatments. We are here to make the community a better looking place for everyone to enjoy and view. As the owner my goal is to manicure the neighborhoods and have everyone with a beautiful lawn that they can be proud of. Want to have events and needs a clean lawn, call MG Lawn Team. Want to enjoy the weather and be comfortable in your yard, you want MG Lawn Team. We are very flexible and look forward to working with the community for many years to come.
Business Hours:
Monday to Friday - 08:00 am-07:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday - 09:00 am-06:00 pm
Payment Methods: Cash, card, PayPal, Apple Pay, cash app
Contact: Mike Green
Business Email: MGLawnTeam@gmail.com