![](https://s1.bunity-edge.com/5ab13c1b9dfbc87f740b726e_2000x500_mold-inspection-testing-portland-or-real-estate-real-estate-united-states-oregon-milwaukie_1.jpg )
Mold Inspection & Testing Portland OR
Mold is a devastating and costly problem. Unfortunately, it’s also an invisible problem in many Portland homes. Mold can creep behind your walls or under your floorboards for years before you spot it. The best way to protect your home or business against mold is to order an independent mold inspection from Mold Inspection & Testing Portland OR. Available in 50 metro areas across the United States, Mold Inspection & Testing has built a reputation for highly-accurate mold sample collection. Samples are sent to an AIHA accredited lab, then tested with medical grade equipment. You get accurate results as fast as possible.