Northeastern Lawn and Landscape
Northeastern Lawn and Landscape is a trusted landscaper in the area of Orange Park, FL and the surrounding area. Our company is well-known for it's professionalism and precise work with our landscaping service and lawn care. We can guarantee to exceed your expectations and meet your requirements. If you need some one to maintain your garden or to make a lawn care design for it, just give us a call at: (904) 444-3444Landscaper, Landscaping, Lawn Care, Lawn Care Service, Lawn Care CompanyLawn Care Contractor, Lawn Care Maintenance, Lawn Maintenance, Landscape Service, Landscape Installation, Landscaping Installation, Landscaping Company, Residential Laindscaping, Commercial Landscaping, Landscaping Design, Mulching, Hedges Trimming, Lawn Clean Up, Lawn RenovationLakeside FL;Middleburg FL;Lake Asbery, FL;Fleming Island FL;Orange Park, FL