Oberheiden, P.C.
Our attorneys at Oberheiden, P.C. have centuries of combined experience representing suspects, targets, and defendants in federal criminal matters. We have a proven track record of securing favorable results for our clients. We’re not just defending you we’re protecting your business. Our approach to federal defense is informed not only by our attorneys’ centuries of combined experience representing suspects, targets, and defendants but also by our attorneys’ and consultants’ prior experience as federal prosecutors and investigative agents. Several of our federal criminal defense lawyers in Newyork previously served as senior prosecutors with the U.S. Department of Justice; our consultants have backgrounds as Special Agents, Supervisory Special Agents, and Special Agents in Charge with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Secret Service (USSS), or other agencies. This experience affords our attorneys and consultants deep insights into the federal investigative process and that means we can identify vulnerabilities in an investigation before they become liabilities for you or your company.
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