Old Reliable Floor Co
Nothing gives a room a classic feel and elegantlook quite like a hardwood floor. When properly installed and well-maintained,a wood floor can last for centuries, which also makes it one of the best homeimprovement investments you can make. For generations, Cincinnati residentshave turned to Old Reliable Floor Cofor the very best in new hardwood floor installation and refinishing at some ofthe most affordable rates in the area.These hardwood refinishing experts have beenstaining and restoring floors since 1949, which is a level of experience veryfew companies can match. With their proven techniques and industry expertise,Old Reliable Floor Co can refinish and stain nearly any hardwood floor,bringing it back to its original glory or changing the color to suit a newdesign scheme. No matter how big or small your job may be, this widelyrespected contractor will exceed all your expectations.In addition to some of the most beautiful hardwoodflooring imaginable, they also provide industry-leading customer service.Their dedication to ensuring every customer is thrilled with the beauty andvalue of their investment is one reason they hold an A+ rating from the BetterBusiness Bureau.For a consultation about your hardwood floorneeds, just call Old Reliable Floor Coat (513) 922-5598 today.