Mussels can also be transported by air freight. This means that even people who live far away from coastal areas can enjoy fresh mussels every day! In addition, owning a mo scale farm is another way to enjoy fresh mussels, as you can harvest them at any time. Where does New Zealand's green mussel come from? It is harvested off the coast of New Zealand, where the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea meet. This unique environment allows the cultivation of abundant seaweed and plankton that feed these mussels. What dishes can we cook with New Zealand green mussels? You should New Zealand Mussels not miss out on the 'New Zealand Green Mussel Cake' which uses a lot of nutrients and has a refreshing taste! In addition, braised green mussels (braised) are soft and tasty.
Strainer (you should have one in your kitchen already if you cook much) - Large pot (the bigger, the better so that the mussels don't clump together and so there's room for steam to build up) - Colander (again...something you Green Mussels own that will do the job nicely here). You can use a strainer instead of a colander, but keep in mind that you'll need to empty the mussels into the colander after cooking, then use a spoon or something to transfer them into their serving bowl. That can get tedious pretty fast, especially if you're making this dish for more than one person. - A timer (if you have an iPhone, iFitnessApp.com's free Fitness Buddy is our recommended choice) Mussel Steamer/Steaming Rack (this goes in your pot with your mussels)