QM international limited - mosquito expert
We are an international company based in Hong Kong; we are formed by a group of people that have a hatred for mosquitos . We have cooperated with the Hong Kong Government and other public instances in controlling mosquitos and providing outdoor solutions. There is a Reason why we are globally accepted in Hong Kong.QM Mosquito traps designed efficient mosquito traps for over 10 years .With our MBOX we would like to disrupt the current market, with a new design, with technology that is has been discovered and the latest innovations on how to catch mosquitos . We have done it before, we have proven results. Designed to be easy on the eye and tailored to easily fit in any kind of environment.An example would be that we use a CCFL light that lasts 10 times as long as a normal UV light bulb and consuming only 1/3th of the original electricity, generating co2/h2o with a technique called the Akira-Fujishima effect and using the correct colors to attract mosquito’s . All these are combined in a design that would fit any modern architecture and interiors.With mosquitoes becoming more and more of a global issue, we can see that the market is waiting to explode with each increase of mosquito borne diseases . Zika, Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever and Global warming that increase the territory of mosquitos and migration. We believe this market is one the verge of expanding very fast and being an established brand before this happens is essential for the trust you will need from the people that need help fighting mosquitos. With the increasing vector and new urban environments for mosquitos you can see that the diversity of viruses are mutating. Prevention is one method but being bitten once can already have serious consequences.I am sure you can see that there is a lot of potential for both of us and humanity in this world by fighting against mosquito borne diseases.