Rafael GS Flooring LLC

Phone number: (239) 467-5949


Rafael GS Flooring LLC provides floor installation, repair, ceramic floors, tile installation, renovation, bathroom remodeling, and laminated flooring in Immokalee, FL. We serve both residential and commercial clients, offering free estimates and a 10% discount for new customers.


We serve in Immokalee, FL, Orangetree FL; LaBelle FL; Port LaBelle FL; Fort Denaud FL; Ave Maria FL; and the surrounding areas.


Residential Flooring, Flooring Service, Tile Flooring Installation, Affordable Laminate Flooring, Commercial Flooring


Floor Installation Service, Floor Repair Service, Ceramic Flooring, Tile Installation Service, Tile Renovation Service

Contact Us
- , Immokalee, Florida, United States, 34142
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