Resource Management Group
Resource Management Group, founded in 1999, provides the platform to the world community to have access to our services in the fields of business consultancy, research writing and e-commerce.Consultancy ServicesRMG has a panel of consultants who are professionally qualified and experienced in their respective fields to share their expertise with those who need it. We have professionals who have the academic background as well as practical experience of having worked in senior management positions in major national and multi-national companies to help entrepreneurs forge ahead in their business and industrial activities.
View details at http://www.rmgincorp.com
Research Writing ServicesRMG provides research writing services to consultants, commercial and industrial organizations, publishers, NGOs and government agencies. We provide secondary data as well as primary data to our clients in conformity with their specific requirements.
View details at http://www.rmgcenter.comE-commerce ServicesRMG creates and facilitates trade for buyers and sellers around the globe through its website. It is our sincere endeavour to promote global trade by providing access to information about sellers and buyers. Anybody anywhere can access our website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
View details at http://www.eglobaltradesources.com