ResQ Facilities Management
ResQ is a powerful mobile restaurant management software designed for owners and managers. GetResQ has offered instant restaurant equipment repair since 2014. Making it easy to manage multiple locations at once, GetResQ offers 24/7 on call service, free workorder management, warranty and service tracking. Visit GetResQ for the full list of services. "With ResQ, restaurant employees can instantly send a photo or describe in live chat a broken piece of equipment or finishing - all from a mobile device. The ultimate in maintenance management software, real GetResQ coordinators manage the hassle of creating and tracking work orders, and send it off to the best technicians for repair - and update you in real time on your mobile device. GetResQ is perfect for facilities management, restaurant managers and franchise businesses looking to improve the speed of repair and communication with technicians. Offering real-time maintenance management on kitchen equipment repair since 2014, it's latest addition of IOS work order software will be available to select partners in 2017.