Royal District Nursing Service (Invercargill)
RDNS New Zealand
For many people, remaining in the comfort and security of home can be a challenge.
If you’ve had a life changing event such as surgery or an accident, or simply need support as you grow older, RDNS New Zealand can help you to remain independent, at home and an active part of your community.
Our professional and friendly staff can work with you to plan services that will support your goals and help you to get the most out of life.
Referral to RDNS NZ can come from virtually any source. You can either contact us directly or a family member, carer, doctor or other health professional can make the referral for you.
We work with District Health Boards, ACC, MoH, Veterans’ Affairs and in some cases fees are either totally or partially funded.
You can also arrange for services to be delivered to family members or others, on an hourly fee basis.
If you would like to speak with someone about our services or your specific needs, simply call 0800 736 769 and one of our friendly staff will be happy to talk with you.
RDNS NZ is for everyone. If you have a genuine nursing or home care need, we’re here to support you.
Some of our services that can assist you in staying at home are:
• Personal care
Including assistance with showering, dressing and undressing, meal preparation or helping people into and out of bed
• Domestic help
Including housework, laundry and shopping
• Restorative activities
Including assisting with exercise programmes, or socialisation programmes that allow people to lead more fulfilling lives.
• Child care
Supervising child activities including feeding, toileting, play activities, transportation to and from child care facilities/school
• Respite in the Home
To enable a full time carer of a loved one to have a break
• Nursing Care
Delivered at home, fostering improved health and a greater sense of control and independence. This care could include assessments, blood pressure and blood sugar checks, wound care and stomal care.