StaffMerge. Today’s job board.
Connect. Merge. Work.
We want to make searching for a job, easier!
*Search for Jobs
*Create Resumes
*Video Introductions to Employers
*Video Interviews
*Direct Messages from Employers
*Automated Interview Alerts
*Notification Alerts
*Apply Directly to Jobs
*Qualified Applicants
*Company Reviews
*and more!
StaffMerge’s mission is to CONNECT Employers with Job Seekers in an effective and efficient platform, making it easier for both.
Using Resumes, Video Introductions, Video Interviews, and Direct Messages, StaffMerge’s platform goal is to MERGE Employers and Job Seekers.
After Employers and Job Seekers have connected and merged, now it is time to WORK, mutually benefiting both.
StaffMerge is free to download, however, to become a Premium Subscriber, there is a $4.99 annual payment, less than 50 cents per month.
For Employers, please visit us at www.StaffMerge.com