Taiji.co.uk Ltd.
T'ai Chi (Taijiquan) and Ch'i Kung (Qigong) classes.
38 years experience.
Classes for beginners to advanced levels.
Taiji: Yang style 10,16, 24, 88, 108-Step hand forms; 16, 32, 56-Step sword forms; Broadsword; Wudang taiji sword; 42-combined competiton sword routine; 42-combined competition hand routine; taiji kung fu fan; Chen 56 competition routine; Pushing Hands (including Pushing Hands routine); Sun 2-Person sword routine.
Qigong: Zhan Zhuang (standing) - various types; Daoyin Yangsheng Gong sets for Cardiovascular, Digestive, Respiratory, Skeletal systems, also for Liver, Kidneys, Face & Head, the 49 Meridians etc.
Website: www.taiji.co.uk