Thrively Health Coaching
Hi, I’m Jessee! Wherever you are on your wellness journey, I’ve got you covered!
Bachelor’s of Science Food Science and Human Nutrition
Master’s of Science Physician Assistant Studies
Certified Health and Wellness Coach
As a healthcare worker and health enthusiast, I have always been interested in health and wellness in terms of a personal growth venture. More recently, as an essential worker in the pandemic, I realized how truly important our well-being is for the sake of those around us. Witnessing the strength and adaptability of our healthcare teams and systems coming together helped me recognize how important it is to be able to show up for each other. However, I also came to realize the tolls of emotional exhaustion and stress as our systems became strained and many experienced burnout. I am aware now more than ever how important it is to take care of ourselves so that we can take care of others. I became a Health and Wellness Coach to further this mission.