Tina Love - uVme Team All Stars*
uVme is a fast-moving and unique business that combines three of the most exciting phenomena on the internet: ONLINE GAMES, SOCIAL NETWORKING WITH INSTANT LIVE COMMUNICATION, and Social Marketing. This market is so powerful, it’s growing four times faster than the Internet. It’s NEW, VIBRANT, DYNAMIC, and above all else, it’s FUN.
The online games business, although already massive, is extra special right now because of the timing. Timing is critical in business, and this market is emerging as the next evolutionary step in online entertainment.
It's about to explode.
The market today (2007) is approximately worth $164 USD per second ($5.2 billion USD annually), and in the next 156 weeks is expected to grow to $412 USD per second – of every minute of every day, and growing. For more on the market, click here.
How do you make money with uVme?
We have created a powerful, unique business with which you can earn money in several different ways. As you build your team of players, you can also create a team of Associates to boost your earnings even more. You can earn:
Game Revenue – each time your players take part in a paid tournament game, you get paid Fast Start Bonus – for each personally sponsored Associate who becomes "active" Instant Pay – you get paid instantly Power Pool Revenue Share – you can receive a share of 8% of company turnover 100% Matching Bonus – gives you a matching income from every one of your personally sponsored "active" Associates Generation Bonus. Group Generation Bonus – 3%-5% commission on seven "generations", with dynamic compression Infinity Bonus – up to 3% commission on even deeper levels AND THERE ARE MORE!We have made it easy for you to be involved. uVme has been in development for over two years. We have made the seven-figure investment to make it all happen, and now you have it all at your disposal. Plus, you have the full uVme support team working toward your success, including:
your own talented, effective marketing department friendly, knowledgeable customer service and support, LIVE and in person, seven days per week online conference-room facilities translators fluent in six different languages professional software developers, web developers, graphic designers and engineers
...all working on your uVme business, keeping it at the forefront of the industry.