Transfer Rapid
Transfer Rapid was founded in 2004 by a few American investors and a group of Romanian professionals, with the purpose of creating financial products and services for a financial sector propitious for transformative progress due to the migration of the Romanian citizens to many other EU countries.Beginning with 2005, Transfer Rapid has initiated a successful partnership with CEC Bank, the oldest financial institution in Romania, the largest network of bank branches, and the most recognized banking brand. These two partners have proposed the launching of a payment product that would be efficient, multifunctional, and convenient for the Romanian clients.A major investment done by Transfer Rapid at the outset of its operations with the implementation of high technology at over 1200 subsidiaries and branches, training over 2000 front office staff members and ensuring essential back office services, has laid the foundation for CEC Bank to launch in its own network the Transfer Rapid system; this mutually rewarding collaboration endeavors to offer clients in Romania a distinctive money transfer service in the present market: inexpensive, secure, and close to home.So far, Transfer Rapid's support teams and technology platform, along with CEC Bank's highly trained representatives, have processed nearly 10 million transfers without any system interruptions. The integrity of technology and the qualitative services offered by Transfer Rapid and CEC Bank have generated an unmatched loyalty proven by the recurrent system usage by 80% of the existing clients.