Vigil 24x7 guarding services private limited
Not yet updated At Vigil 24x7 we pride ourselves on our integrity, reliability and dedication. We are committed to delivering service excellence, a philosophy that runs through our organisation from our Company Chairman to all of our security officers.Our Mission is to protect life and property for a customer base that encompasses many varied business activities. Our innovative approach to client care is designed to ensure maximum flexibility for the services that we offer, enabling all at Vigil Security to work closely in partnership with our valued clients to exceed their expectations.Quality is of great importance to us and is delivered through a team of highly trained and committed personnel. Our staff will work as part of your team to ensure a secure and friendly environment.Recruitment, selection and vetting policies are of the highest standard, to ensure the security of your staff, property and premises as well as high standards of behaviour and performance.Being a professionally managed company, we strictly abide by all the government regulations such as enrollment with the employee's state insurance, employee's provident fund, labor commission, service tax regulations, minimum basic salary and permanent A/C number. All the security personals are recruited after thorough police verification, safeguarding the interest of our clients. Our professional expertise provide total security solution with accurate assessment of all the risk and threat taken into account