Visiting Angels
Visiting Angels2190 Hamburg TurnpikeWayne, NJ 07470, United States973-839-3761jmalik@visitingangels.com"Visiting Angels in Wayne, New Jersey is one among a nationwide network of in-homecare agencies. Like every branch, Visiting Angels in Wayne is independentlyowned and operated, serving communities in Passaic County and the beautifulRidgewood area. Seniors and their families benefit from a completelycustomizable range of home care services from a trusted team of professionaland experienced caregivers. Many people are unaware of this reputablealternative to nursing homes, which allows seniors to maintain theirindependence and age gracefully in their own homes.Visiting Angels provides a nearly unlimited range of eldercare services, as well as personalized caregiver matching, which gives familiesa chance to interview and retain the same compatible caregiver. Families candictate their own schedule, choosing from a flexible range of part-time,hourly, or live-in care depending on the needs of their loved one. In addition to scheduling, the range of care includes servicessuch as:Respite for Family CaregiversHygiene AssistanceDiet Monitoring & Meal PreparationErrands & Light HousekeepingLoving CompanionshipAlzheimer’s & Dementia CareThe fully bonded and insured team of experienced caregiversfrom Visiting Angels in Wayne, New Jersey provide seniors with the level oftrustworthy, comfortable, and customized care they deserve. Seniors guard theirindependence with in-home care, a non-invasive yet safe and supportivealternative to nursing home care. Even if you’re returning from the hospital orrehabilitative center, Visiting Angels will deliver the level of senior carenecessary. Call Visiting Angels inWayne at (973) 839-3761 to find outmore."