![](https://s1.bunity-edge.com/61977f6f9dfbc84c6a758fc3_619780659dfbc84c6a758fe7_2000x500_wanna-do-my-job-for-me--united-states-arkansas-orange-beach_1.jpg )
Wanna Do My Job For Me?
But the reality is, with these things all under consideration, there is plenty of opportunity here to work alongside one another in the realm of outreach and PR. It really is no different than sharing valuable tools, only with a human element involved. And for those of us in the world of outreach, this should work, as interacting with a diverse group of people should be our biggest strength.
Read: https://transcriberry.com/
There are people who will remain shortsighted on the long term benefits who will try and take advantage of such a community, but this will ultimately be their loss as acting in everyone’s best interest would surely offer more reward. To cultivate lasting relationships, we should work together to strengthen trust among outreachers at different agencies. With transparency, respect and understanding the value of the long term, this can easily remain healthy and mutually beneficial.
Read: https://transcriberry.com/is-there-any-software-to-convert-audio-to-text/
Other outreachers agree:
Steph Staszko, an outreach coordinator, and someone with whom I share a lot of the same outreach values, has quickly become someone I can ask for help and resources, and would gladly do the same for her. I asked her a few questions about her personal outreach efforts, her good and bad experiences and general thoughts:
“It’s great to come across people who genuinely care about forging a relationship. Some people want to guest post on your site and try to offer you one of their spammy grabbed domains or blog network sites in return. I find this very disrespectful and it’s certainly not going to earn you any great contacts in the internet marketing world.
I’ve had people tell me I can publish a guest post on their client’s on-site blog and when they’ve published it the URL is entirely different (i.e. it’s on a weak subdomain or spammy microsite). I think this is really misleading and I know a few outreachers who have been stung by these phony publishers.
Read: https://transcriberry.com/video-to-text-transcription-service/
I’ve had some great experiences with outreachers. A rather big brand outreached to me asking if they could write for one of our sites, I said yes and asked if I could do the same for them. I didn’t really think they’d agree, but not only did they publish my piece, they really helped me tailor it to get past their editorial team (they had very thorough guidelines). I thought that was great as many people would just reject something they don’t see fit – even if it has potential.”
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