Wayne Bank and Trust Co.
For over 130 years WayneBank and Trust Company has been the most dependable locally owned andoperated bank in the Richmond, IN area. Their dedication to serving thecommunity and providing their clients with unparalleled customer service hasnever wavered in their many years of business. Wayne Bank and Trust Company is a full service provider offinancial vehicles as well as personal checking and savings accounts and businessbanking accounts. They provide everything you need to plan for a financiallysound future and grow your money through every stage of life. Their team ofdedicated banking professionals is happy to meet with you one-on-one and giveyou valuable investment and saving advice.Unlike large corporate banks that only care about the bottomline Wayne Bank and Trust Company is truly devoted to their customers. They'lltake the time to get to know you and collaborate with you to create a financialplan that makes sense for your unique situation. From making sure you get thebest interest rate available from your money market account to helping youchoose between a Traditional IRA and a Roth IRA the team at Wayne Bank andTrust Company wants you to think of them as your personal banking advisors. In addition to offering a wide range of investmentopportunities and personal loans your friendly neighborhood bank gives theircustomers access to all the high-tech amenities and conveniences of a largenational banking institution. Convenient tools like their state of the artonline banking portal make it easy to manage all of your personal and businessaccounts in one place. Start banking locally today by calling Wayne Bank and Trust Company at (765) 935-5222 or visiting them online now.